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Cartons and display type cartons 

Cardboard packaging is an integral part of products and marketing strategies. Complementing our services is service packaging of products in bulk packaging, in line with the objectives of further distribution. Today's possibilities are endless when it comes to cardboard and carton packaging services.


We confection for packaging with printed graphics or bearing a collective label, or at the customer's discretion: 


  • cartons with a tag

  • cartons for sachets

  • bulk cartons 

  • folding cartons

  • tear off cartons

  • lacquered cartons

  • various types of cardboard weights and sizes

Cartons and display type cartons 

Bottles, carnisters and jars


De-icing agents

e-mail: nobilla@nobillapoland.com

Tel.  +48 15 841 42 50

Tel. kom. +48 696 065 479



Co-packing services

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